Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This morning after feeding and watering the animals, I decided to let Penny (my Bronze Turkey hen) in the pasture with the goats. She has a nice sized yard now, but she always seems to want out. She likes being around people. I walked around the perimeter of the fence trying to find out where Martha and Spotty (Pygmy and Mini-Nubian) occasionally get out. Yesterday they got out once, then Martha got out 2 more times. I finally confined them to the pen which is a 6 ft tall chain link enclosure. I found the spot I believe they had used and blocked it with a large walnut branch. I walked further down the fence line and stopped at the back to look down the hillside. I saw movement and to my wonderful surprise, I saw two wild turkey hens at the bottom of the hill. I couldn't believe it. I turned around and looked at Penny and tried to get her to talk to them (my turkey language needs practice). They disappeared in the brush just as Jessie (my shep/collie mix) made his noisy approach outside the fence. I wish I'd had my camera, but the picture of them is still in my mind. I hope they stay on my property and away from the turkey hunters. I think it's still turkey season and I know my neighbor beside me and on the backside of my property would love to hunt them. I don't know if both hens and toms are hunted or just toms. I did not see a tom, but would have loved to. The only hunting I do is with my eyes and camera. We only have just over 5 acres here so any wildlife I see is wonderful. I even love to see the foxes as long as they stay away from my animals.

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